


誤った神話その1:外国語を学ぶ最上の方法は外国に行くこと | rhb's warehouse

誤った神話その2:外国語を学ぶ最も良い方法は話すこと | rhb's warehouse

誤った神話その3:「間違えても大丈夫だよ!」 | rhb's warehouse

誤った神話その4:「初心者ってのはたくさんのミスをするものだよ」 | rhb's warehouse


Myth #5: "You are a foreigner, therefore you will always have a foreign accent" | Antimoon.com


This line is often used to discourage language learners from studying pronunciation seriously. You didn't grow up in an English-speaking country, so why bother trying to get your English vowels right?


It is related to the Critical Period Hypothesis (see next myth).




The fact that most foreigners have a foreign accent does not mean that you have to be like them.


Many comedians are able to perfectly imitate the speech of actors, politicians, etc.


Renee Zellweger was able to do a perfect British accent in The Bridget Jones's Diary, even though she is from the South of the United States.



I can also humbly offer my own example ― on listening to my speech samples, a number of Americans said that if they met me on the street, they couldn't tell I wasn't an American. (By the way, I have lived in Poland all my life and started studying English pronunciation at 15.)


There is no reason why you can't speak a foreign language with a perfect, natural accent.


You will need at least some talent for imitating sounds (if you can imitate people in your own language, that's a very good sign).


However, if you just don't have the knack, you can largely make up for it with persistence and a little technology.


For example, you can record your voice with your computer and compare it with the proper pronunciation (if you're learning American English, you can use PerfectPronunciation for that).


This technique helps many learners see where their pronunciation is different from the original and lets them gradually make it more native-like.


You will also need to study phonetics.


First, find a resource which has recordings of all the sounds of the language you're learning (like the table with English sounds we have for English).

まず、あなたの学ぶ言語ですべての音声を載せている資料を探そう。(英語ならば、わたしたちのサイトにあるthe table with Englishのようなものを。)

Then, discover which sounds are used in which words by listening to the language and by reading phonetic transcriptions in dictionaries.


Perhaps you will not be indistinguishable from a native in the end, but you are likely to achieve clear, pleasant pronunciation that will give native speakers something to wonder about


(for example, Michal Wojcik's accent is confusing for some native speakers ― they think he's from an English-speaking country, but they can't tell which one).

(例えば、ネイティブスピーカーたちの一部は、ここにあるMichal Wojcikの発音について、「この人は英語圏からやってきた人なのだろうが、でも、それがどこの国なのか、わからない。」と混乱したように。)




rhb's warehouse: 誤った神話その1:外国語を学ぶ最上の方法は外国に行くこと

rhb's warehouse: 誤った神話その2:外国語を学ぶ最も良い方法は話すこと

rhb's warehouse: 誤った神話その3:「間違えても大丈夫だよ!」


Myth #4: "As a beginner, you're bound to make a lot of mistakes" | Antimoon.com

This is often given as justification of the "Mistakes are OK" myth. The reasoning is that mistakes are a part of learning, therefore it is pointless to try to avoid them.




While you cannot eliminate mistakes completely, you can speak and write with very few mistakes, even if you are a beginner.


The trick is to put input before output.


If you follow good examples (i.e. build your sentences out of correct phrases and patterns that you have read in books or heard from native speakers), and avoid "uncertain" phrases (phrases that could possibly be incorrect), you will make practically no mistakes.


Here's what this means:


* You should not open your mouth until you see/hear enough correct sentences to build your own sentences correctly. If you can't help but make mistakes, spend all your time on getting input (reading and listening).


* You should look things up on the Web and in dictionaries before you write a sentence, to make sure it's correct.


* If you're not absolutely sure and can't check if what you're going to say (or write) is correct, don't say (or write) it. Otherwise, you may teach yourself an incorrect phrase.


* When reading or listening, pay attention to details like word order, articles, prepositions, and tenses.


Compare sentences in the foreign language with equivalent sentences in your native language. Notice how different they are. This will help you realize which parts of your own sentences can be wrong.


The above techniques help you avoid developing bad habits that would be very difficult to cure later on.


If you are careful and patient enough, you can learn with very few mistakes and gradually acquire the ability to use more and more phrases that you are absolutely sure of, until you can express anything you want in the foreign language correctly and fluently.





rhb's warehouse: 誤った神話その1:外国語を学ぶ最上の方法は外国に行くこと

rhb's warehouse: 誤った神話その2:外国語を学ぶ最も良い方法は話すこと


Myth #3: "It is OK to make mistakes" | Antimoon.com

If a student in a language class does not want to speak, the teacher will normally assume they are shy, and will encourage (sometimes force) them to speak.


He'll tell the student: "Speak and don't worry about mistakes".


After all, speaking practice is more important than making mistakes, isn't it?




Mistakes are not harmless.


Every time you say an incorrect phrase in a foreign language, you increase the probability that you will say that phrase again. Therefore, if you speak with mistakes, you can easily teach yourself bad grammar.


A lot of people think it's more important to improve your fluency than to improve your correctness.


If you follow this path, after some time you may find you can speak the language with ease, but it will be largely your own version of the language ― not correct language as it's spoken by native speakers.


In other words, you may become quite fluent in speaking the wrong way.


Perhaps such a state is more desirable than not speaking at all. But when bad grammar comes to your mind so easily, it becomes very difficult to improve.


When you've been saying things like "He go away" for the last two years, it's not so easy to start saying "He went away" all of a sudden.

過去2年間にわたって"He go away"みたいな言葉を口にしていたならば、"He went away"という正しい言葉遣いにするのはそう簡単ではない。

The point is that it's hard to go from "fluency with mistakes" to "fluency without mistakes". It's much easier to start from "careful, correct output" and then work on your speed to reach "fluency without mistakes".




Making mistakes is not OK if your goal is to speak fluently and correctly.


If you're a person who can't help but make a mistake in every other sentence, you definitely shouldn't speak yet.


Even if you have a teacher who will correct your every error, you will not be able to remember such a large number of corrections and will make the same mistakes over and over again.


You should rather concentrate on reading and listening, no matter what your teacher says.


If you decide to speak, do it carefully, sticking to phrases that you're absolutely sure are correct.
